Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Rosalie is concerned about teacher burnout.

 Social and emotional learning is being discussed in many schools.  As a result, many schools are incorporating social and emotional learning goals into their respective curriculums.  However, it would appear that many of the social and emotional learning goals focus on students.  My concern is that with teacher shortages that have resulted in additional responsibilities on faculty, and with budget restraints that have been felt by many school districts, many teachers are now experiencing new levels of stress.  I found an article (link found below) that lists 20 different concerns of teachers in the year 2022.  Do you agree with any of the concerns listed in the article?   If not, why not.  Additionally, what are your thoughts about teacher shortages and teacher concerns in 2022?  Do you feel teachers are getting the social and emotional support that they need?


  1. For many years teachers have been burned out and have been enduring the politics of the educational system. The pandemic just brought issues to the forefront. The New Jersey teacher evaluation scoring requirements really upset many teachers. Their score depends on their student’s performance even if there are many personal issues going on in their students lives that affect their learning.
    Teachers complaints and concerns must first be addressed in order to implement social and emotional goals for students. The article “These 2022 Teacher Shortage Statistics Prove We Need To Fix This Profession” addresses that roughly eighty percent of teachers agree that there are higher expectations and work overloads since the pandemic started and mainly due to many teacher shortages [WeAreTeachers Staff, 2015]. Teachers are losing their preps to cover substitute shortages. They do not have time for their lesson planning which results in more planning at home. I had to cover two different Science Teachers for a year and a half and lost my prep period each day. I was overwhelmed during this time and had to spend many evenings and weekends to catch up on school work. Many teachers also have outside responsibilities which cause even a higher level of stress for them.
    Teachers are expected to implement engaging lessons that require various materials. They are not getting enough supplies that are needed to adequately teach their students so they end up spending their own money for these needed supplies. Until the educational system shows respect for educators and listen to their concerns nothing will change and students will lose out.

    Staff, WeAreTeachers. 2022. “These 2022 Teacher Shortage Statistics Prove We Need To Fix
    This Profession.” We Are Teachers.
    statistics/ (November 19, 2022).

  2. I agree with many of the concerns listed in the article. I think that teacher shortages are a major issue in 2022. When I did my student teaching in the spring, the school I was in was always struggling to find coverage for teachers. This year, the 4th grade special education teacher left on maternity leave and they could not find a replacement, so they had to combine 4th and 5th grade 2 months into the school year. Teachers are being given even more responsibilities with no extra support or time, and therefore are taking even more work home with them and spending their own money to support their students. Lack of respect from the public and from parents is also an issue I agree with. When I tell people that I am studying to be a teacher, it is shocking how many people react by telling me it is such as easy career choice and that I will have so many breaks!

    I personally do not feel like teachers are getting the social and emotional support that they need. I know many teachers that are constantly overwhelmed and stressed. I also know of many new teachers that are leaving the field after only a few years because they are so unhappy. I think more needs to be done to support teachers social and emotional wellbeing if we want to see any change in teacher shortages.


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