Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Veronica is asking about the effects of Covid on students

It is being said by many educators that as schools are finally going back to "normal" instruction after the last two years of Covid, our students are seriously behind with regard to the knowledge that is expected of them at their specific grade level. It is also being said by many that students are in need of serious remedial work in each of the disciplines.   Do you agree with this statement?  Do you believe that two years of virtual teaching and learning have had negative effects on student learning?  Do you believe that curriculum requirements will need to be changed now in order to make up for the two Covid years?  And finally, have you noticed a difference in the maturity levels of the students in your classes this year as compared to students in past years....................as a result of two years of virtual teaching and learning? 

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Rosalie wants to know "WHY?"

 What is your WHY? We are taking this class and sharing in this journey, but what is your WHY? When we are interviewing someone for a teaching position, we know what they will be teaching and will uncover how they teach,  but to create a community of educators who share in our mission and values,  we need to ask them,  "What is their WHY?" As part of this course,  we will be creating our Belief Statement, so to begin that process,  please watch this short video from Simon Sinek and then share your WHY. 

Monday, September 12, 2022

William offers us a philosophical question to ponder

 Each of us has an educational philosophy, whether you realize it or not!!!!  With which educational philosopher about whom we have read (so far) do you share a viewpoint? What parts of your curriculum might embed your philosopher’s ideologies? 

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Dr. Ries poses a curriculum question to consider

 Do you believe that districts should construct a scope and sequence for curriculum K-12 OR.......should teachers at each grade level meet to determine what their curriculum will be for the year?   What is your rationale for the position that you are taking?   Should there be a structured curriculum at all or should each teacher teach the subjects with which he/she is most comfortable?   Your thoughts?   

  Every teacher has his/her own opinion with regard to the district’s curriculum. I was recently speaking with a teacher at the school in wh...